Saturday, November 26, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Nip Slip?

That's right, in the fourth and latest film of the Twilight series, we can apparently catch a glimpse of one of Kristen Stewart's nipples during a sex scene (probably the one we see in the trailer with Edward breaking the headboard, lol).

I've checked on Google Images for the slip, but cant seem to find Twitter, although buzzing with tweets about the slip, doesn't seem to have any links to the scene either.!/search/breaking%20dawn%20nip%20slip

I found a youtube user who has seen the clip and she explains what happens (skip to 0:49):

**Update** I still cant find the slip. Im just gonna download the movie and cap it myself. Will post here when done.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Very WHOREdashian Halloween

Ok, so these pics are a few years old, but they're still boner-inducing. During Halloween of 2009, everyone's favorite "persian" whore costumed as an X-rated Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, leaving very little to the imagination.

Enjoy these pics and have a box of tissue paper ready in case you need it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Autralian Boy Snaps During Bully Attack

A person can only be pushed so far before he snaps. In Australia, a 16 year old boy named Casey Heynes, who was bullied for most of his high school life, finally snapped on one of his tormentors. On a video that has recently gone viral, Casey is punched in the face repeatedly by a much smaller boy. At first, Casey doesn’t fight back, but after receiving numerous blows to the face, he grabs the little bully, lifts him up, and smashes him into the ground. Casey then walks away before his bully gets up.

The bully eventually rises back up, hurt, and wobbles around as he tries to walk. He looks to be in shock over what just happened. Casey was later suspended from school and may be facing criminal charges, however many argue that he was merely defending himself and showing the bully he is not taking his bullying anymore. There is a Facebook page in his support.

As for the video of this attack, it keeps getting removed from youtube, so you can watch ir here and download it:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So you wanna know how to torrent?

Torrenting files has many advantages.
  • torrented videos are usually higher quality than ones you stream
  • you can pause a download and resume downloading it later
  • you have the file on your hard drive if you ever wanna use it again
  • if you are watching a video using VLC player, you can turn the brightness for really dark scenes, whereas if you're streaming online, there is only so high you can turn your monitor brightness
This instruction set is not meant to condone piracy. You need to remember that if you are pirating content, that may be illegal in your country, and you could face trouble for it. This instruction set is meant to explain the basics for those who know nothing about torrenting and wish to learn.


1. Getting a Program that uses Torrents: You are going to need a program that uses torrents, such as utorrent or bittorrent. Personally, I use utorrent. Install one of these programs onto your computer.

2. Finding a Torrent: Now you need the torrent for what you wish to download. For this, you can just do a google search to find it. For example, "family guy season 2 torrent." Try to look for torrents from sites like ThePirateBay or Demonoid (although you need an invite for a demonoid account). Torrents that have a higher number of "seeders" means that there are many people sharing this file. If you end up on a sketchy site and don't trust the torrent, then don't download it. Personally, I never had a problem with sketchy torrents. If a torrent has many downloads or seeders, then it is more likely to be a legit torrent. Just use your common sense here. Also, read the comments for the torrents, if any, to see what other people have to say about it.

3. Using the Torrent: Once you have the torrent, you can either double-click it to add it to utorrent, or you can open utorrent and go to File > Add Torrent. If you want to download the entire torrent, then just leave everything checkmarked as it is. If you want to download a specific file out of many files in the torrent, uncheck the ones you don't want and then click to start the downloading and utorrent will download the checkmarked file only (also useful if you want to test a file from the torrent without having to download the whole thing). Utorrent and Bittorrent are Peer-to-Peer programs meaning that you get the file from other people who have it. Everyone who has the file or are downloading it are sharing the file with each other. The number of seeders refers to how many people have this torrent downloaded, and the peers or leachers, are people who are downloading it.

4. When you Finish Torrenting: When the torrent reaches 100%, that means that it is finished downloading. At this point you can use whatever it was you torrented. (If your having trouble playing a video, try using VLC player, its works with most video types.) If you are having trouble finding where the downloaded file is located on your computer, look for a "downloads" folder in My Documents. When it has downloaded 100%, you will notice that it says "seeding" beside it. That means you are sharing this file with other people who are downloading it too. It will continue to seed until you remove the torrent from the program. You should let the file seed for a while so that you share with other people who are downloading it. It is generally shunned upon when people just stop seeding as soon as they finish downloading. Let it seed for a while (or if it has a really small number of seeders, you might wanna seed for an even longer amount of time) and then you can right click the torrent to remove it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Racy Miley Cyrus Pictures

In a set of pictures that were leaked online last night are two pictures which may raise a few eyebrows. The first of which depicts Miley's assistant attempting to lick Miley's breasts. The second one shows Miley lifting her shirt to reveal her bra while she poses with a dude wearing nothing but leather briefs. This comes about two weeks after a video of Miley smoking salvia was leaked online.

I know Miley is old enough to do these things, but lets not forget that she has the responsibility of being the role model for thousands of young fans.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Miley Cyrus smoking a Bong!!

A video of Miley Cyrus smoking a bong on her 18th birthday party has surfaced onto the web. In the video, Miley takes a couple hits from her bong which makes her really giggly as she jokes around with her friends (she seems to be really, really high.) According to TMZ, sources claim that the substance Miley was smoking was "Salvia," a psychoactive plant which is actually legal to smoke in California. Salvia is more potent than marijuana and much more dangerous.

Even though she is 18 and was not smoking anything illegally, it is important to remember that Miley Cyrus is the role model to hundreds of thousands of young children across the world and she is clearly setting a bad example for all her fans.

edit: video keeps getting removed from Youtube, so you'll have to see it on TMZ